The Church looks on marriage as a covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life (Catechism 1601). In its understanding of marriage, the Church looks back to the union between man and woman ordained by God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-2). Christ worked his first miracle in the context of a wedding feast. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, the married couple become, in their unity and in their love for one another, an efficacious sign of Christ's presence (Catechism 1613).
Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage is facilitated through our Church Office. Please begin your preparation by contacting the Parish Office at 201-843-1888 to secure a date and arrange to meet with a priest.
Click for Resources:
God's Plan for a Joy Filled Marriage
Together For Life Online
What is a Convalidation? Convalidation is the means by which a marriage celebrated outside the Catholic Church (a civil marriage or one in a church of another faith tradition) is recognized as valid and receives the formal blessing of the Catholic Church. Bringing your marriage into the Catholic Church (Convalidation). Please contact the Parish Office at 201-843-1888 to arrange.